Cortney, from Pennsylvania, has given the Housebound With Kids community this great lemonade recipe…

What did you do?

Such a fun way to get the kids outside & connected in nature. They love seeing who can collect the most violets!

Once you gather about 1-2 cups worth you can simply rinse them with cold water to rid of any bugs, etc (Make sure the violets you pick are not sprayed with pesticides or chemicals!).

Once rinsed you boil water to pour over your violets. This will slowly change their color to a blue hue. Secure the lid to your mason jar. You can keep in a sunny spot for 24 hours.

Drain water from violets. In a pan, pour in violet tea using a dash of sugar to simmer (amount of sugar depends on the sweetness you prefer).

Once simmered add to the jar.

A couple of squeezes of lemon will enhance the flavor & cause the violet tea to turn purple!

Add cold water.

We like to add a couple of slices of lemon to our glass. 

So tasty, light, floral and refreshing!

Tell us a bit about yourself…

My name is Cortney Landman and you can find me on Instagram @ golden.notions

I am a homeschooling mama, almost 34 in Pennsylvania. I have two wonderful children, Portland Zen (9) and Aloe Grace (4), and 3 amazing older stepchildren. 

We are fortunate that my fiance works from home & we homeschool so our lives and routine haven’t been disrupted too much.  We do miss our local libraries, co-ops, and get-togethers, field trips, etc. 

Nature and being outdoors are the greatest influence in our home education.  We like to spend the majority of our days outside.  We enjoy crafting & getting our hands into anything nature-based.

During quarantine we’ve played a lot of games, continue to get excited over the food we are growing & really enjoy all the time we get to spend together!