Elena and family tell us about the building work that has been going on next to their house…

What did you do?

My 2-year-old son loves diggers so I bought him some digger figures off the internet and made a construction site for him to play with.

He loved playing with it. He was pretend playing, making noises and saying words. It was also lovely that his big brother could join in with him and give him ideas and encourage him to play. When they had finished I just put the lid on the storage box so they could play with it later. 

What you will need:

  • sand/soil, pending availability
  • decorative pebbles
  • under bed storage box
  • Construction, JCB diggers toys
  • imagination


If you happen to have an under bed storage box, empty it of whatever it is holding and fill it with sand/soil. Add rocks or decorative pebbles and the toys and you have an in house sandbox construction site.

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Elena. I live with my partner and our 2 boys. One’s aged 6 years and the other is 2 in July.